“That Scott Waldyn guy? Yeah, he’s a real jerk.”  — wife

“Yeah, I know him. He still owes me twenty bucks. If you see him, tell him ‘Mike’ says to pay up.” — best friend

“Think I want to talk about him? Worst years of my life, growing up with that guy. He ate all the Ramen noodles.” — brother


Dear Scott Waldyn,

Thank you for submitting your piece, “Space Combat,” to Hip Hop Be-Bop Magazine. Unfortunately, we are going to pass on this piece yet again, so please stop submitting the same piece over and over. It’s just not a right fit for our magazine, nor is it an original piece at that. We’ve all seen Star Wars. Just because you changed a few names around and re-titled an age-old space fantasy doesn’t mean you’re fooling anyone. And why, of all places, are you submitting this to a music magazine? Why not science fiction? If you’ve ever read our content, clearly all of our flash pieces, creative nonfiction pieces, and poems are about and inspired by music that shakes us to our cores.

Please don’t submit to us again. Unless it’s about music. To be fair, your prose is okay. I mean, we’d probably make an edit or two here or there, but it’s not bad. Could be better. But could be worse.






Scott Waldyn is a writer, author, and creator based in the Chicagoland area. He serves as the co-founder and deputy director of Literary Orphans Press and the editor in chief of Literary Orphans Journal. When he’s not wielding an editorial pen, Scott writes saucy film reviews at Drunk Monkeys and Cinema Chicanery or hammers out a new work of fiction. When he’s lucky, his works get published.

Barring literature, Scott is fascinated with nature, video games, movies, travel, Godzilla, and his wife, who amazes him more every day. He’s always working on crafting the perfect joke, and someday, Scott hopes, he’ll get it. The world needs it.



E-mail: eic@literaryorphans.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottWaldyn
Twitter: @ScottWaldyn
nstagram: @writer_scott
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwaldyn