Literary Orphans

Interview with Sagi Kortler

1. Can you tell us how you became interested in photography, and where you are from/if where you live has had a unique influence on your photography?
I really can’t pinpoint the moment. I’ve always been interested in photography but it took me many years to pick up a camera and use it as a tool for creating art rather than just family snaps.
As a kid I used to draw and paint so visual arts were always a part of me and I’ve always admired art. I think that an artist is born an artist, the question is whether that person peruse his nature and decides to do something with it. It took me a long time to realize that this is something I have to do, I must do to feel whole, even as a part time thing. My mother passed away a few years ago at a relatively young age, I guess that it made me realize that life could be short and one has to do what makes him/her happy and complete.


2. What other artists and art forms have influenced you and your work?
I think that classic paintings and classic photography alongside movies and music have been my main influences. When it comes to photography, I really admire the work of so many. If I have to mane a few then, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Klein, Josef Koudelka, Alex Webb and many more. But really I think that I’m influence by everything I see, hear, feel, smell and experience.


3. Can you describe your current artistic process, habits, techniques you have formed?
I don’t have a specific process, I’m a street photographer who looks for the surreal moments in life. I take my camera everywhere I go, if I see something that interest me then I make a photograph.


4. Is storytelling important in your photography?
Absolutely, a good photo always have a story behind it. But I like photos that can tell many stories, I like that the viewers can make their own stories. My photography is not documentary, it does not have to tell the true story.


5. What are some of your favorite books, poems, authors?
I like sci-fi, I like Asimov but can find myself enjoying a b-movie as well, I’m a Star Trek fan and a Star Wars fan at the same time. I also like thrillers, I like Robert Ludlum’s books and Stephen King.


6. Can you put into words the way you have evolved over time as a photographer?
As I said, although I’ve always liked photography, it took me a while before I got into it. By the time I did, I was working for Hi-Tec firms and I became a very technically person, I got myself a camera but was really into the technical aspect of photography, my artistic side was still in a deep sleep. Slowly I felt a bit bored with it, I didn’t want to put it a side again and then my artistic side woke up, made me search myself, made me stop caring about rules and technical stuff and work by intuition.


7. Where do you turn for motivation and new sources of inspiration?
I can find it anywhere. A good book or a movie, a song or the street I walk to the post office.


8. Discuss the role of community to your growth as an artist.
I think that it is important as it gives your ego a boost, and let’s be honest, we all need that from time to time. But it must be taken into perspective, I have to make my art for myself, the way I like it. If someone else likes it as well then it’s great, if not, then that’s fine too.


9. What do you think is more important for your craft: passion, dedication, or raw talent and can you elaborate on why?
I think that they are all important and are all connected together. I believe that you are born an artist and that you have the raw talent that need the passion and the dedication to polish that raw talent and let it shine. Anybody can make a good picture and there are many “photography rules” that if you follow them will produce a good picture but it takes a true artist to make a great picture and to be able to find your own voice and style.


10. What is a project you are currently working on, and a project you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
I don’t have a current project. I hardly work on projects. I did a few but I see them part from a global body of work. A few published books in my lifetime will be nice.