I called you
Across a great divide
Echoing loudly
Cracks appeared in me
It wasn’t long before I was reduced to a bare husk
Why have you proven so elusive through my life?
The door closed
When I was twelve
It was like my spirit slipped out
I have you, sure,
But to feel your presence I have to work
I have to jog
I have to clean up my plates
I have to make sure my dresses are neatly lined up in the wardrobe
Otherwise I can’t have you
I have to rise at the right time every day
Or I miss you
I have to clean the toilet
Otherwise I don’t see you
Well, happiness, it would be nice if you winged by
Before my anxieties got out of the way.
This gets into my soul
It screams at me
Where are the cold gusts of wind?
I yearn for frost
And I will never forget that one leaf
That I plucked off a tree
When I was a child
In it I could see all the promise
Of the year
That had been;
That would not be
And then, with a shiver, it worried out of my hand
It seemed to be singing
If only I could hear that song
If only we would remember every beetle, every pattern, every gust of wind
If only their lives are not in vain
I’m only one thing after all
But I do long for the cold harps of autumn
For the full berries, and the dying leaves
For the cold chill
And please, let my heart
Taste this now
Emma Kathryn has a B.A. in Art History and English Literature from La Trobe University and has studied Professional Writing and Editing at Peninsula Tafe. Her work has been published by Melbourne Spoken Word, Little Raven and Theatre People. An actress, writer and singer, she has appeared on tv shows such as Neighbours, Blue Heelers and Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and in five Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. Emma performed her one-woman show The Adventures of Celie during the 2013 Melbourne Fringe Festival as part of KoLABorAYshun. Further information can be found on her Facebook page.
–Art by Dia Takácsová
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